Thursday, November 20, 2008

Colder Weather = Knitting Season!

It is true, my crafting tendencies are strongly influenced by the seasons. Knitting is for colder weather. Possibly this is due to my amateur-ism when it comes to knitting. I'm still at the scarf/sometimes hat level, and it is hard to want to knit scarves when wearing shorts!

I have completed a couple of knitting projects this season, and have another on the go. Here is my most recent completion; a commissioned project from The Husband. I call it "THE MAN SCARF". Also the first time I have ever changed yarns mid-project (did I mention I am an amateur?).

First project of the season completed was a cute little baby hat (pattern found in Debbie Stoller's "Stitch 'n Bitch: The Knitter's Handbook). I love this pattern - even more fun with varigated yarn (makes it look much more advanced!). It is photographed with another hat I finished at the end of last season in the same yarn. This pattern was also in the same book, but I veered slightly when my needles got flipped close to the top of the hat and it was purled instead of knit. However, I actually really like how it turned out, so I guess I kind of created a new pattern! Yeah for me!

And currently on the needles....

Another scarf, of course! With a ball of crazy whirly yarn I found in the bargain bin. In other craft news, I have been busy with stamping and sewing... I will try and post soon!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Little Pumpkin Patch

I cheated this Halloween. I bought costumes for the kids. It was my husband's idea and I'm glad he encouraged it because I did not really have the time to make them! However, we did get slightly crafty with our pumpkins this year! Nothing spectacular, but given we spent no time preparing or "researching", I'm proud of what we came up with!

Luke still has a fairly short attention span for crafty things, but I loved his painted pumpkin! Daddy helped make it SPOOKY by carving a basic face first.

My husband stuck to carving, but added a cute bat to the top (which was the cut-out of the mouth on above pumpkin!). Much more creative than he thinks he is!

For mine, I went with a simple embellishment... yarn! Gotta love it!

And here are our home-made kids in not-so-homemade costumes. (Side note: the super-cute pumpkin treat bag was a "purchased" gift from Nana. I might have to make some next year, though - made from thick felt!)